Sunday, June 13, 2010

Land Watch

So the sea calmed down enough for us to do the 7-9pm land watch, which we didn't want to do because we were having movie night! Any ways, the first 15mins turned out to be the longest of our lives! The sun was setting, the sea was choppy, and it was windy and cold. Not ideal conditions but some how we managed to spot 3 dolphins! They were milling about and feeding mostly, but at the end they got a bit excited and did some fast swimming where they pull most of their body out of the water, called porpoising! I had my camera so I took some shots of them porpoising, but the light was low and my shutter speed was too fast, so the images all ended up dark. I brightened them up on the computer but they are really grainy. I'm abit embarrassed to put them up, but they are my first dolphin shots so here they are! The picture at the beginning of the post is the sunset over the fish factory, and the last picture is of new quay with an arrow to our house!


  1. that is too cool! and I can't believe how blue and beautiful the water looks. soo pretty!

  2. Finally the work begins eh? May be a little cold an windy but im sure it was worth it =)... Im sure you were jumping up an down like a school girl when you saw the dolphins lol
