Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sunny Adventures

Yesterday was my day off, but I unfortunatly had to go in to the office for distance training. When we spot an animal, we are supposed to give an estimate of how far away it is. To learn how to estimate it we practice with stationary objects that we know the distance to. So we did our training on the pier, guessing how far away different bouys were. It was hard, and as the British say, I was rubbish at it. I don't think it is an innate ability though, so I will have to practice! We did it from two different level(sea level, and up on top of the pier), it was much harder to estimate from above.

My new buddy her is Kat. She is doing a masters in biological film and photography and her final project is to make a film about Sea Watch. Anyways, she goes out on all the boats with us filming the wildlife as well as us doing our job. We planned to go on an adventure because Kat has a car(she is from England)and it was a nice day. We decided to go up to Birds Rock. Birds Rock is a place for colonies of guillimots, kittiwakes, and other nesting birds. We go by it on the boat surveys, but you can also get to it from the land. From the land it makes for a great place to spot dolphins from. To get to the cliff you walk through a farmers field with sheeps and cows!

There was a group of sheep on the road when we got there, which were really cute so I had to get some pictures. We went for a nice trek throught the countryside, and the views were spectacular as expected. This picture is of the coast to the West. The crocodile head shape at the end is called Ynys Lochtyn(pronounced in-is lock-tin) and it is the turn around point for the 2 hour boat trips we go out on.


  1. wow some of those pics are amazing! you're lucky you seem to have such great weather too! absolutely amazing

  2. What awsome weather an scenery!!! Got room for another??? lol
