Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Journey to New Quay

Helen's flight left on Monday, but it was in the morning so she was overnighting in Manchester on Sunday. I had to be in New Quay for the Monday, so Helen helped me make cost effective travel plans that got me here on Monday. These plans included a 10 hour bus trip to Cardiff (the capital of Wales) for only 18 pounds. I arrived in Cardiff at 11:00pm and had been antsy the whole time worrying about catching a cab when I got in. Being alone in a big unfamiliar city like Cardiff at night is not really a place I wanted to be for too long! I managed to find one easily and spent the night in a hostel I had booked for 11 pounds. Once I checked in I basically put all my valubles in the locker provided, and then crawled into bed fully clothed and fell asleep right away. The 11 pounds included tea, coffee, cereal and toast, so not a bad deal. I grabbed breakfast and then checked out of the Hostel and grabbed a taxi to the bus station. I then got on a 3 hour bus to Aberaeron, waited in a coffee shop for an hour and then caught the bus to New Quay which took just 15 minutes. Some one from the Sea Watch Foundation was supposed to meet me at the bus stop and take me to the house, but when I got there no one was waiting(turns out they had lost track of time). I didn't know whether to wait or not but decided I could to find it myself. I asked someone for directions to the right street and managed to find the house easily. When I got there the other new volunteer, Tom, let me in and invited me to watch Up with him. Later we(all 7 of us volunteers) went to the pub for an ice breaker drink and then went back to the house and played Sing Star(a karaoke game) until 2:30am! It was a very long trip and I am happy to finally be here!


  1. Yaaaay!!!!!!Aaaaah.... it sounds so brilliant!!!!! You are such a good little traveller!!!!!!!! xoxox

  2. Good deals!! 11 pound hostel fee with all the goods provided aint too shabby... were you really that worried that you went to bed fully clothed? ahahaaha... You always seem to make your travels quite the adventures =)

  3. so jealous!! sounds like you are having an adventure =)
