Sunday, July 4, 2010

Climbing the Crocodiles Head

On another weekend day with not much to do, I tagged along with Kat who was getting more scenery shots. As I am beginning to realize, scenic shots are always found up on top of cliffs! This days adventure involved climbing over the top of Ynys Lochten(AKA the crocodiles head) to the otherside where there is a nice beach that Kat wanted to do a timelapse of with the clouds moving by. We drove over to Llangrannog(Clan-gra-nog)which is a nice little town nestled in a valley beside the sea. To make it out of Llangrannog and over the croc's head you have to climb up a seemingly endless set of stairs and steep paths. Bear in mind that it was the middle of a hot sunny day, and we were both carrying backpacks so it was a bit of a strain. Once we made it up the side of the head it flattened out, there was a breeze,and the views were amazing as always. We came to two paths on the other side of the head, one which went staight up and one which sort of gently made it's way to the same point. We mistakenly chose the easier looking one, which ended up being brutal! Once we made it to a good spot for the shot we settled in and enjoyed the view while the camera snapped away. We kept an eye out for dolphins because they often hang about in that area and the ocean was like glass, but they didn't show.
On the way back we walked down the nose of the croc because we saw some sheep climbing on the cliffs! I have way too many sheep pictures already, but they are just so cute I just can't help myself. While I wandered around I also saw a chough(chuff) which is quite a rare bird here, and some gulls nesting on the cliffs.
When we got back home we went for a swim, which was the perfect end to the day!

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